Wednesday, December 4

Tag: fast drivers

If A Driver Looks Down For Just One Second While Driving 65 MPH
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If A Driver Looks Down For Just One Second While Driving 65 MPH

If A Driver Looks Down For Just One Second While Driving 65 MPH his vehicle has traveled almost 100 feet. The Blink That Could Cost You: Dangers of Looking Away for a Second at 65 MPH We've all been there: a quick glance at the phone notification, adjusting the radio dial, or grabbing a dropped item. But on the road, even a single second of diverted attention can have disastrous consequences. Let's explore what happens when a driver takes their eyes off the road for just one second while traveling at 65 mph. The Distance You Travel Blindfolded: At 65 mph, you're covering a staggering 95.6 feet (29.1 meters) every second. That's almost the length of a basketball court! In one short blink, your car travels blindfolded, relying solely on reaction time and fate. This distance is s...